Sunday, May 18, 2008

My First Encounter

A friend of mine had been staying over for the weekend. She couldn't stop talking about about this guy she had met online. She kept going on and on about how nice he is and how she thought I'd like him. (I later found out he had taken her to an obscure game store in Manhattan and while walking through the store all she kept thinking was "this is sooo Marsha!"). Anyway, so after the weekend was over she showed me his online profile (I know, I know, I swore I'd never do the online dating thing - but it worked out). He seemed kind of geeky in his profile (no surprise) but also struck me as a bit of a romantic and my friend swore he was a good guy. So I threw caution to the wind and sent him an e-mail.

We messaged a bit back and forth over the next few days. I can't remember what we spoke about in the messages. It was probably your typical online dating small talk. You know, what are your interests, what do you do for a living etc. Whatever it was, it was enough for him to ask me out before we even spoke on the phone. He asked me to come see a haunted house with him that Saturday night. So I said yes, I liked haunted houses. It sounded fun. He called me on Friday to confirm and while we were talking he discovered that we lived in the same neighborhood. So he suggested meeting up Saturday afternoon. I agreed.

I almost didn't make it that afternoon. I had just been getting over bronchitis and that morning I woke up very sick and dizzy. Lucky for me my roommate wouldn't let me cancel. So I made my way to our scheduled meeting and there he was, sitting on a park bench. He looked tall and gangly and kind of, well... geeky. So I sat down and we shmoozed for a while. He seemed pretty nice. Then he pulled out the game he thought we could play. Geeks come with games!!

We moved to a table in the park and he pulled out Gloom. It's a game where you have to depress a family as much as possible and then kill them off. My kind of game! We spent the entire afternoon playing the game and then he walked me home. That's when I discovered geeks give great hugs ;).

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