Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our Dating Life

We went out for about two months, yes you heard me two months. When you know, you know, ok? There were some good dates, some really good dates and some really really good dates. Even the "bad" dates were still good since we just loved spending time together (and still do). During this time his geekyness would come out more and more. It's hard to pinpoint that defining moment of when I truly realized how geeky he was. Lets see, on our third date he showed me an episode of Happy Tree Friends. On our fourth date he took me to a ballroom dancing lesson. On our sixth date we went to Planet Hollywood for drinks and while we were there he pulled a game out of his pocket. On our eighth date we went to a pool hall and he joked about bringing mirrors and lasers to help us play. You get the picture.

I think what really hit home when he asked me to join him to a party his brother was having where I'd have to wear garb. God help me. I had no idea what I was getting into when we arrived at his brother's apartment so I could try on his sister-in-law's costumes. I had never experienced anything like this, I'd never even heard of anything like this. Another friend of mine scared me by showing me what larping is. Thankfully the party never happened and neither my husband nor any of his friends (at least not that I know of) are into larping.

The problem was, but the time I really realized what a geek he was I had already been swept off my feet. My roommate said she'd knew I'd married him after our first date. And now it's more than a year later since we met. Our first wedding anniversary is only a few months away and I've never been happier.

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